Wednesday, May 27, 2009


From the Troubadour green(black) room. Phoenix was so killer, the Thermals ARE BACK! Not that they went anywhere but last night was tremendous. The crowd even went nuts for us! And the JOGGERS license plate was in the parking lot. Photo's and video of the EXTREME dance party to follow ( I woke up with bruises) Tonight LA, cue Randy Newman.....We Love It! NOT THE LAKERS THOUGH! AND the triumphant return of Point Juncture WA! I hope, where are they? 30 mins until doors! 4 more shows after tonight. My buddy and ex bass player in college party band Beggars Canyon is coming tonight. He has to break away from his duties as producer for The Hills! I'm not name-dropping, I just think that IS HILARIOUS! Hoping beyond hope that Rob Cordry comes too, heard he is a huge Therms fan and I am a fan of his. Oh what is that I hear?the keyboard strains of PJW?!!! YES IT IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C U SOON  Homies!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

toilet said...

I've been holding my breath for two months now waiting for JOGGERS license plate pics...

Where's the love?