Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Songs

There are two new songs now up on the Myspacessz.
One is called 'Talking At Keith' an upper midtempo-ish type.
The next 'Knock Kneed Heart' is more lower midtempo with a dash of honky-tonk, more honky than tonk with us as you know.
It would be cool to say we'd put a new one up a day, but it would also be cool to say "Holy shit dudes, I just won the Powerball!"

New dates are being added to the tour schedule, but I won't post them until it is complete. We are wicked stoked to be able to do our ole soft shoe on street corners across the nation again soon.

We are now accepting 'Good Selling' T-shirt ideas.
We have AWESOME bad selling ideas.

But those wont put biodiesel in the Vanagon you know?


John said...

Oh yeah! That's working, fellas. That's working good... And we do enter the next round robin.

Garrett Sorrels said...

got a realy slick piece of Paint art I'd like to submit.

It has two Shelties and one rainbow. Where do i send?