Friday, November 23, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving and whatnots. Pseudosix tour has come to a close and hopefully the Joggztrain will be gathering steam through and after the holidaze.
Unfortunately Bass Ace Darrell had to get plastic surgery to reattatch the ring finger of his left hand following a freak Hockey accident (no joke).No it wasn't a skate, but a puck.

We all hope for a healthy full recovery, and knowing the intestinal fortitude inside the keeper of the Solid Guild, I think the prospects are pretty good.

New recordings are nearing completion, and those in the 'circle of trust' have been giving favorable reviews

Stay tuned more to come....

(pre-injury, post smokin oud overdub)


funeralpudding said...
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funeralpudding said...

can't believe I missed this blog, and the pseudosix tour - hope it didn't hit Austin. Good luck, Congratulations on the new album (can't wait, you dudes should enlarge your circle of trust, just to make sure the feedback is accurate), and dude: get well soon, hope you can start playing again soon